Holly Spring Primary School (On-Site)
Permanent, Full time
Enhanced DBS check required
Teachers pay scale, plus a TLR
32.5 hours
We are looking for an experienced teacher to lead our Early Years classrooms at our school from September 2025.
Holly Spring Primary School is a three form entry school with a nursery. We have four additional classes in the mornings to support pupils with SEND.
The school has pupils from a diverse range of backgrounds and an above average % of children with EHCPs. We have a wonderful outside environment including forest learning, a sensory garden and a pond area.
This year we have introduced outdoor play and learning (OPAL) at lunchtimes.
We are a very inclusive school and proud of our values:
Ignite a love for learning;
Motivate to achieve;
Accept everyone;
Grow greatness;
Instil independence;
We are looking for someone:
- who is an experienced EYFS teacher.
- with a thorough understanding of the Early Learning Goals and age-related expectations for EYFS.
- who is an excellent classroom practitioner.
- who will work collaboratively to improve teaching and learning.
We can offer you:
- PPA with your team.
- time out for leadership responsibilities.
- free childcare on INSET days.
- a supportive SLT.
- excellent continued professional.
- a strong culture of inclusion and pastoral care.
If you would like to visit the school please contact Liz Baker (School Business Manager) via email l.baker@hsprimary.uk
The closing date is the 31st March at 9am and interviews will take place by mutual agreement.
Applicants may be invited to interview before the closing date, therefore please take the opportunity to apply as soon as possible.