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Our mission statement of, Jesus said, ‘Come, follow me, live your life the way God wants you to’ is at the heart of everything we do and reminds to always strive towards being the very best version of ourselves.<br>Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust (LDST) is a rapidly growing multi-academy trust at the next crucial stage of its development. It was established in 2017 by the Diocese of Liverpool to provide its schools with a Multi Academy Trust that has the vision and values of the Church of England at its heart. All of our primary schools are rated at least Good by OFSTED. We are looking to appoint a suitably qualified Early Years Teaching Assistant Level 2 with SEND support.</p>\n<p><strong>Main Duties</strong><br>To work with and supervise groups of children or individual pupils under the direction/instruction of teaching and/or senior staff. Assist and support with classroom and lunchtime behaviour management, preparation of work and the learning environment. Contribute to the raising of standards in pupil achievement. In addition, depending on the skills of the successful candidate, the role may include opportunities to lead extra-curricular sports clubs e.g. school football team.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for Pupils</strong><br>•Establish good working relationships with pupils, acting as a role model.<br>•Have an understanding of a range of strategies and interventions that can be used to support individual needs.<br>•Meeting the needs of children with EHCP’s.<br>•Be aware of and respond appropriately to individual pupil needs ensuring effective interaction.<br>•Ensure pupils’ safety whilst supporting access to learning activities.<br>•Promote inclusion and acceptance of all pupils.<br>•Encourage pupils to interact with others and engage in activities led by the teacher.<br>•Promote self-esteem and independence through targeted interventions<br>•Provide feedback to pupils in relation to progress and achievement under the guidance and direction of the teacher.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for the Teacher</strong><br>•Create and maintain a purposeful, orderly and supportive environment, in accordance with lesson plans.</p>\n<p>• In liaison with the teacher, utilise strategies such as individual and small group<br>interventions to support pupils in achieving learning targets.<br>• Report pupil achievements, progress and issues as appropriate in agreed format.<br>• Undertake pupil record keeping as requested.<br>• Administer routine primary tests.<br>• Promote good pupil behaviour, dealing promptly with conflict and incidents and<br>encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour in line with<br>established school policy.<br>• Establish constructive relationships with parents and carers.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for the Curriculum</strong><br>• Undertake as required structured and agreed learning activities/learning<br>programmes, taking into consideration pupil learning styles.<br>• Undertake literacy/numeracy programmes, recording achievements and progress<br>and providing appropriate reports and feedback for the teacher.<br>• Prepare, maintain and use equipment/resources required to meet the lesson<br>plans/relevant learning activity and assist pupils in their use.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for the School</strong><br>• Support SLT in further developing a strong positive culture of safeguarding and<br>wellbeing for staff and pupils<br>• Be aware of and comply with school policies and procedures relating to child<br>protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection. Report<br>all concerns to the appropriate person (as named in the policy concerned).<br>• Ensure all pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop.<br>• Contribute to the school ethos, aims and development/improvement plan.<br>• Appreciate and support the role of other professionals.<br>• Attend relevant meetings as required.<br>• Participate in training and other learning activities as required.<br>• Assist with the supervision of pupils out of directed lesson time, including before<br>and after school if appropriate and within working hours.<br>• Contribute to the wider life of the school e.g. PTA events such as fairs and discos.<br>• Accompany teaching staff and pupils on visits, trips and out of school activities as<br>required.<br>• To encourage an active partnership between children/parents/school by working<br>creatively and positively with parents to achieve maximum involvement in their<br>child’s education.<br>• To encourage parents to understand the importance of their role in their child’s<br>education.<br>• To make home visits as and when required.<br>The closing date for applications will be Monday 16th December at 9am. All applications<br>should be either emailed to gill.mccaldon@ldst.org.uk or posted to the school for the<br>attention of Mrs Gill McCaldon, Trainee School Business Manager.<br>To book a visit please contact the school office on 0151 531 9955 or email<br>gill.mccaldon@ldst.org.uk</p>\n<p>A candidate information pack and an application form can be downloaded from our<br>website: <strong>https://www.stthomaslydiate.co.uk/vacancies/</strong><br>Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare<br>of children and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment to keeping<br>children safe. Any offer of employment will be subject to statutory pre-employment checks<br>including satisfactory references, online checks, Enhanced DBS, and Barred List checks.<br>This post is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (as<br>amended in 2013 & 2020) and shortlisted candidates will be required to disclose any<br>relevant criminal history prior to interview.</p>","shortDescription":"","jobType":"Teaching","employerType":"Education","howToApplyText":"<p>Completed application forms to be sent to <strong>gill.mccaldon@ldst.org.uk</strong></p>","employer":"Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council","employerId":"acdfa06d-1087-4d52-9615-32030d77e7fc","department":"Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council Schools","departmentId":"538f0658-d9de-4db5-9034-bcb434bb3623","location":"St Thomas's CE Primary School","locationHierarchy":[{"types":["postal_code"],"value":"L31 0BP"},{"types":["locality","political"],"value":"Lydiate"},{"types":["postal_town"],"value":"Liverpool"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"value":"Merseyside"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"value":"England"},{"types":["country","political"],"value":"United Kingdom"}],"locationType":3,"salaryDescription":"Grade D (SCP 5-6) £24,790 - £25,183 (actual £8,694.78 - £8,832.62)","salaryFrom":8694.78,"salaryTo":8832.62,"exactSalary":null,"salaryFrequency":"year","workingPatterns":[2,3],"workingHoursDescription":"15 hours","contractType":2,"dbsCheckRequired":true,"dbsType":1,"publishDate":"2024-12-03T14:20:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2024-12-16T09:00:00.000Z","applicationMethod":2,"applicationUrl":null,"documents":[{"fileId":"0ec27af0-0a3f-4585-8ba0-cc3761bb6f0c.pdf","fileName":"Early_Years_TA2_Post___with_SEND__Candidate_Pack.pdf"},{"fileId":"92367c7d-cb55-434a-8ae4-24f301347f0c.pdf","fileName":"Recruitment_Privacy_Notice__TRUST_.pdf"},{"fileId":"fc007eb2-734a-4bd1-bab0-474be6fc38b8.pdf","fileName":"Application_Form_St_Thomas.pdf"}],"logoUri":"https://www.jobsgopublic.com/logos/logos/51824275-c606-4215-bdfb-60df7c63c5cd.png","awardLogoUris":[],"canonicalUrl":"https://www.jobsgopublic.com/jobs/31fdc43e-965e-4c4a-bf8c-003770b4426f","createdDate":"2024-12-03T14:20:58.000Z","applicationFormName":"","onHold":false,"expired":false,"featuredJob":false,"featuredJobRefreshed":false,"enhanced":false,"applied":false},"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1733366762668,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchFailureReason":null,"fetchMeta":null,"isInvalidated":false,"status":"success","fetchStatus":"idle"},"queryKey":["jobDetails","31fdc43e-965e-4c4a-bf8c-003770b4426f?signup=true"],"queryHash":"[\"jobDetails\",\"31fdc43e-965e-4c4a-bf8c-003770b4426f?signup=true\"]"},{"state":{"data":{"id":"31fdc43e-965e-4c4a-bf8c-003770b4426f","title":"Early Years Teaching Assistant Level 2 (with SEND support)","synonyms":["Early Years Teaching Assistant Level 2 (with SEND support)"],"reference":"05909","description":"<p>An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our Outstanding Christian Primary School.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Title</strong>: Early Years Teaching Assistant Level 2 (with SEND support)<br><strong>Salary</strong>: Grade D SCP 5-6 £24,790 - £25,183 (actual £8,694.78 - £8,832.62)<br><strong>Hours</strong>: Fixed term until August 2025, term time only, 15 hours per week</p>\n<p>We are a very successful, happy primary school built on Christian beliefs and values. Our mission statement of, Jesus said, ‘Come, follow me, live your life the way God wants you to’ is at the heart of everything we do and reminds to always strive towards being the very best version of ourselves.<br>Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust (LDST) is a rapidly growing multi-academy trust at the next crucial stage of its development. It was established in 2017 by the Diocese of Liverpool to provide its schools with a Multi Academy Trust that has the vision and values of the Church of England at its heart. All of our primary schools are rated at least Good by OFSTED. We are looking to appoint a suitably qualified Early Years Teaching Assistant Level 2 with SEND support.</p>\n<p><strong>Main Duties</strong><br>To work with and supervise groups of children or individual pupils under the direction/instruction of teaching and/or senior staff. Assist and support with classroom and lunchtime behaviour management, preparation of work and the learning environment. Contribute to the raising of standards in pupil achievement. In addition, depending on the skills of the successful candidate, the role may include opportunities to lead extra-curricular sports clubs e.g. school football team.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for Pupils</strong><br>•Establish good working relationships with pupils, acting as a role model.<br>•Have an understanding of a range of strategies and interventions that can be used to support individual needs.<br>•Meeting the needs of children with EHCP’s.<br>•Be aware of and respond appropriately to individual pupil needs ensuring effective interaction.<br>•Ensure pupils’ safety whilst supporting access to learning activities.<br>•Promote inclusion and acceptance of all pupils.<br>•Encourage pupils to interact with others and engage in activities led by the teacher.<br>•Promote self-esteem and independence through targeted interventions<br>•Provide feedback to pupils in relation to progress and achievement under the guidance and direction of the teacher.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for the Teacher</strong><br>•Create and maintain a purposeful, orderly and supportive environment, in accordance with lesson plans.</p>\n<p>• In liaison with the teacher, utilise strategies such as individual and small group<br>interventions to support pupils in achieving learning targets.<br>• Report pupil achievements, progress and issues as appropriate in agreed format.<br>• Undertake pupil record keeping as requested.<br>• Administer routine primary tests.<br>• Promote good pupil behaviour, dealing promptly with conflict and incidents and<br>encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour in line with<br>established school policy.<br>• Establish constructive relationships with parents and carers.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for the Curriculum</strong><br>• Undertake as required structured and agreed learning activities/learning<br>programmes, taking into consideration pupil learning styles.<br>• Undertake literacy/numeracy programmes, recording achievements and progress<br>and providing appropriate reports and feedback for the teacher.<br>• Prepare, maintain and use equipment/resources required to meet the lesson<br>plans/relevant learning activity and assist pupils in their use.</p>\n<p><br><strong>Support for the School</strong><br>• Support SLT in further developing a strong positive culture of safeguarding and<br>wellbeing for staff and pupils<br>• Be aware of and comply with school policies and procedures relating to child<br>protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection. Report<br>all concerns to the appropriate person (as named in the policy concerned).<br>• Ensure all pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop.<br>• Contribute to the school ethos, aims and development/improvement plan.<br>• Appreciate and support the role of other professionals.<br>• Attend relevant meetings as required.<br>• Participate in training and other learning activities as required.<br>• Assist with the supervision of pupils out of directed lesson time, including before<br>and after school if appropriate and within working hours.<br>• Contribute to the wider life of the school e.g. PTA events such as fairs and discos.<br>• Accompany teaching staff and pupils on visits, trips and out of school activities as<br>required.<br>• To encourage an active partnership between children/parents/school by working<br>creatively and positively with parents to achieve maximum involvement in their<br>child’s education.<br>• To encourage parents to understand the importance of their role in their child’s<br>education.<br>• To make home visits as and when required.<br>The closing date for applications will be Monday 16th December at 9am. All applications<br>should be either emailed to gill.mccaldon@ldst.org.uk or posted to the school for the<br>attention of Mrs Gill McCaldon, Trainee School Business Manager.<br>To book a visit please contact the school office on 0151 531 9955 or email<br>gill.mccaldon@ldst.org.uk</p>\n<p>A candidate information pack and an application form can be downloaded from our<br>website: <strong>https://www.stthomaslydiate.co.uk/vacancies/</strong><br>Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare<br>of children and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment to keeping<br>children safe. Any offer of employment will be subject to statutory pre-employment checks<br>including satisfactory references, online checks, Enhanced DBS, and Barred List checks.<br>This post is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (as<br>amended in 2013 & 2020) and shortlisted candidates will be required to disclose any<br>relevant criminal history prior to interview.</p>","shortDescription":"","jobType":"Teaching","employerType":"Education","howToApplyText":"<p>Completed application forms to be sent to <strong>gill.mccaldon@ldst.org.uk</strong></p>","employer":"Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council","employerId":"acdfa06d-1087-4d52-9615-32030d77e7fc","department":"Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council Schools","departmentId":"538f0658-d9de-4db5-9034-bcb434bb3623","location":"St Thomas's CE Primary School","locationHierarchy":[{"types":["postal_code"],"value":"L31 0BP"},{"types":["locality","political"],"value":"Lydiate"},{"types":["postal_town"],"value":"Liverpool"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"value":"Merseyside"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"value":"England"},{"types":["country","political"],"value":"United Kingdom"}],"locationType":3,"salaryDescription":"Grade D (SCP 5-6) £24,790 - £25,183 (actual £8,694.78 - £8,832.62)","salaryFrom":8694.78,"salaryTo":8832.62,"exactSalary":null,"salaryFrequency":"year","workingPatterns":[2,3],"workingHoursDescription":"15 hours","contractType":2,"dbsCheckRequired":true,"dbsType":1,"publishDate":"2024-12-03T14:20:00+00:00","expirationDate":"2024-12-16T09:00:00+00:00","applicationMethod":2,"applicationUrl":null,"documents":[{"fileId":"0ec27af0-0a3f-4585-8ba0-cc3761bb6f0c.pdf","fileName":"Early_Years_TA2_Post___with_SEND__Candidate_Pack.pdf"},{"fileId":"92367c7d-cb55-434a-8ae4-24f301347f0c.pdf","fileName":"Recruitment_Privacy_Notice__TRUST_.pdf"},{"fileId":"fc007eb2-734a-4bd1-bab0-474be6fc38b8.pdf","fileName":"Application_Form_St_Thomas.pdf"}],"logoUri":"https://www.jobsgopublic.com/logos/logos/51824275-c606-4215-bdfb-60df7c63c5cd.png","awardLogoUris":[],"canonicalUrl":"https://www.jobsgopublic.com/jobs/31fdc43e-965e-4c4a-bf8c-003770b4426f","createdDate":"2024-12-03T14:20:58+00:00","applicationFormName":"","onHold":false,"expired":false,"featuredJob":false,"featuredJobRefreshed":false,"enhanced":false,"applied":false},"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1733366762674,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchFailureReason":null,"fetchMeta":null,"isInvalidated":false,"status":"success","fetchStatus":"idle"},"queryKey":["similarJobs","31fdc43e-965e-4c4a-bf8c-003770b4426f?signup=true"],"queryHash":"[\"similarJobs\",\"31fdc43e-965e-4c4a-bf8c-003770b4426f?signup=true\"]"}]}



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